How Positive Friendships Can Make a Difference: The Power of Kindness, Thoughtfulness, and Caring

I’ve been very fortunate to have positive friends in my life. I’ve been struggling with mental health problems for a very long time, and having my friends hang out with me to take my mind off things or listen to me vent, if they were comfortable, helped me through a lot.
But what exactly makes a positive friend? Some of the most important parts are kindness, thoughtfulness, and caring. Somebody who’s kind to others can make a big impact on someone, whether taking care of something without asking for anything in return, or giving someone an honest compliment.

Thoughtfulness is important for a positive friend, too. Thinking about how others feel means a lot, even if it’s just sending someone a “How are you doing?” text. Caring kind of ties in with both of these things. It takes caring about others to be kind and thoughtful, and be a friend in general.
Overall, I think it comes down to this, and while you might have heard this before, I think it’s very important. The people you surround yourself with should lift you higher and make you feel good.