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The FORT   Teen Summer Camp


Where Teens can Unwind, Connect, Belong and Thrive

Mon July 22nd - Fri July 26th, 10:00am - 2:00pm

Trillium Farm Gathering Center, 18915 Lincoln Rd, Purcellville, VA

$275 (Includes camp shirt, daily snacks and lunch on Friday)
A New Kind of Summer Camp Experience 

Make new friends and stay connected over the summer with this week-long, fun experience of games, activities, and experiential workshops, giving teens the opportunity to discover more about themselves while exploring new skills in expressive arts, mindfulness, nature, movement and physical activity. 

Each day teens will experience two different workshops that explore self-expression, nurtures curiosity, develops creativity, calms the senses, creates self-awareness and mind-body connection. Interspersed with games, conversation and brain teasers, this camp is about providing joy, connection and belonging.

Final workshops will be released soon and will include music, arts & crafts, photography, horticulture, improv, movement, meditation and more.

“The workshops helped me to talk to others, and I made a lot of new friends. I felt seen and my voice was heard. I had a lot of fun!” 
- Teen Participant

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