Shubhay Mishra, Sophomore, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.
Ode to Self-Acceptance
Ode to Self-Acceptance
Shubhay Mishra, Sophomore, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.
I accept who I am In all of my flaws, My imperfections, My mistakes. I accept the person I'm becoming Slowly, each day, I am learning To...
Advitiya Srinivasan, Junior, Briar Woods High School
My Childhood
I remember when I was truly carefree Every white fluffy dandelion I blew My parents used to take care of everything for me And I never...
Raya Caron, MSW/Social Work Student
Parenting Teens with ADHD
Being a parent of a teen with ADHD can be difficult, sometimes explosive. Here are some tips from a former teenager (now an adult social...
Charlotte, 10th Grader at Loudoun School for Advanced Studies
Volunteering Creates Gratitude and Appreciation
Gratitude. When a lot of us hear that word, we think of people and things we are grateful for. We show gratitude by thanking our parents...
Charlotte, 10th Grader at Loudoun School for Advanced Studies
Breaking the Stigma Through Compassion and Acceptance
In today's world where judgment and insecurity dominate, it feels embarrassing to ask for help. In our day-to-day life, we fear judgment;...
17 Year Old High School Student
The Shadow of a Wrongful Love
I write this for my queer friends, classmates, acquaintances, strangers I've passed on the street Who feel like they're never seen, never...
Sara Root, 23 Years Old
As athletes, our whole livelihood depends on striving for perfection...
I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I was so lucky to have a strong support system to keep me afloat during my collegiate career. But...
Denisha J. Hamilton, LCSW
The Holidays are Approaching and Everyone is Happy…Except for Me
The Holidays are Approaching and Everyone is Happy…Except for Me
Rohitha, Junior
My story is based on something I've observed this year. Although it isn't a problem that's widely spread, it still happens now and then...