Advitiya Srinivasan, Junior, Briar Woods High School
My Childhood
I remember when I was truly carefree Every white fluffy dandelion I blew My parents used to take care of everything for me And I never...

Charlotte, 10th Grader at Loudoun School for Advanced Studies
Volunteering Creates Gratitude and Appreciation
Gratitude. When a lot of us hear that word, we think of people and things we are grateful for. We show gratitude by thanking our parents...

Charlotte, 10th Grader at Loudoun School for Advanced Studies
Breaking the Stigma Through Compassion and Acceptance
In today's world where judgment and insecurity dominate, it feels embarrassing to ask for help. In our day-to-day life, we fear judgment;...

17 Year Old High School Student
The Shadow of a Wrongful Love
I write this for my queer friends, classmates, acquaintances, strangers I've passed on the street Who feel like they're never seen, never...

Rohitha, Junior
My story is based on something I've observed this year. Although it isn't a problem that's widely spread, it still happens now and then...

Anonymous, John Champe High School
Okay Alone
Feeling different could be a pleasant or horrible experience. Personally, it was a pleasant time for me, a lot of people always associate...

Sarasi Rout, Age 15, John Champe HS and AOS
Create a Gratitude Journal
How to Create a Gratitude Journal Do you feel like you’re going downhill? Is there really nothing going good in your life right now? Try...

Syeda Fizza Fatima, 15, Heritage High School
Never Give Up
You are pathetic, Disgusting, Ugly, Worthless. These are only some of the comments teenagers all around the globe must face every day....

Anonymous, 18, Woodgrove High School
The Push
Sometimes you just need a little something to push you over the edge, something to make you realize that you’ve been ignoring the...

Erik Smetana, 20, George Mason University
Ryan: Jan 16, 1997 - Oct 15, 2014
I don’t remember under what circumstances I first met Ryan. I believe it was when my family first moved to Waterford in the early 2000’s...